A Gift

This beautiful poem came to me in the mail today, in the form of a post from a poet/artist friend.  The author, Paul Lenzi, died recently.  The words he leaves behind are beautiful.  For more, visit https://poesypluspolemics.com. Thanks, dear Ernie, for sharing.




if I could but dance

I’d lead you through waltzes round rays of the sun

and speed you through polkas, mazurkas on end


if I could but jump

I’d pluck the bright stars to adorn your fair hair

and tuck the moon tenderly into your lap


if I could but run

I’d race the fleet winds across mountains and glens

and chase down each songbird for your serenade


if I could but walk

I’d stroll with your hand in mine up country lanes

cajole the world’s blossoms to sweeten our way


if I could but stand

I’d fold you in close like I did when we met

and hold tight forever your heart against mine